Why are people not honest when it comes to their appearance? I mean when you are dating online, why do some people claim to look like George Clooney when they are actually more like George of the Jungle?
I had arranged to meet my date at our local downtown square and perhaps go for a walk and get to know each other. We had chatted a little online and he seemed nice enough and his picture looked very nice indeed. I patiently and nervously waited on a bench with full view of the surroundings. I had told him that I would be wearing a yellow dress and he said he would be wearing a blue shirt with yellow pin stripes. I guess yellow was to be our colour!
I had been very nervous about even considering online dating. I had heard horror stories about guys who were looking for affairs and it just made me quite anxious about the whole scene. Against my better judgement and the advice of my friends, I decided to take the plunge and give it a try.
On this sunny afternoon in August, I sat there waiting for my date and watching the passing parade. I noticed a guy in a blue striped shirt walk by but didn’t give this dude more than a passing glance. I kept my sunglasses on and kept a look out for my date.
Five minutes later I heard “Janet?” . I turned and saw the guy I had noticed earlier come towards me smiling. The guy was nothing like his photo in the slightest. He was bald, pudgy and stood about 5 feet 3 which was a lot shorter than his described 6 feet. When he came closer to sit down he said “Hi Janet. Sorry I’m late, I’m Jeff”.
I sat for a second not really knowing what to do and not wanting to appear rude. I was not attracted to this version of Jeff in the slightest. So I did what anyone in my position would do, I lied. ” Sorry you must have me mistaken for someone else” I replied. With that I got up and walked, quite quickly away. Did Jeff really think that I wouldn’t figure out he had lied about his looks? To the Jeffs out there, if you lie about your looks, what else will you lie about!
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