Seeking Romance At A Social Networking Event: Epic Fail

Ah, social networking events. The perfect opportunity to put on a smile and pretend to be interested in what complete strangers have to say. And what better way to spend an evening than meeting a new romantic interest?

Pinapple on Pizza - Not for me!

So, there I was, standing in the corner nursing my drink, when I saw him. He was tall, dark, and handsome, just like every other cliché in the book. I took a deep breath and decided to make my move.

I approached him and introduced myself, and he responded with a lukewarm greeting. But I didn't let that deter me. I launched into a witty anecdote about my day at work, expecting him to be thoroughly impressed. But he just stared at me blankly, as if I was speaking a different language.

Undeterred, I tried to engage him in conversation about his interests. Big mistake. It turns out he was a fan of all the things I hate - country music, reality TV, and pineapple on pizza. I mean, what kind of monster puts pineapple on pizza?

As the night wore on, I tried to salvage the situation by making jokes and trying to find some common ground. But he just kept staring at his phone and barely acknowledging my existence. I couldn't help but feel like I was wasting my time.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he excused himself to go talk to someone else. I watched as he sauntered off into the crowd, probably looking for someone who shared his love of pineapple pizza. And I was left alone, nursing my drink once again, wondering why I even bothered.

So, there you have it - my wonderful experience meeting a new romantic interest at a social networking event.

Your Comments:

Betty Says:
I hate those events too. You just had bad luck in the guy that you set your sights on. I bet if you had found a guy with a real personality you would have had an excellent evening. You might have even found someone who would help you learn to embrace the Hawaiian style pizza :)

Harrold Says:
I know it's a bit off topic but I dated this girl that loved the Hawaiian style pizza and she was a complete crazy woman. She put pineapple on everything. She was a bad kisser too. That's really why I had to dump her.

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Meta Information:

  • This Crazy Dating story was submitted by: "Patty from Vancouver"
  • Categories: Stories, Bad Dates, Crazy First Dates
  • Originally Posted: January 18, 2023
  • Location: > Stories > Seeking Romance At A Social Networking Event